Bethel’s Mission and Vision

The Bethel A.M.E. Church Vision 

It is the vision of Bethel A.M.E. Church to serve as a place where the hurting, the depressed, the frustrated and the confused may find love, acceptance, help, hope,  forgiveness, guidance and encouragement.  Our vision is to become a church  which shares the “Good News of Jesus Christ” with the thousands of residents of the Roanoke area.  We aspire to welcome new members into the fellowship of our church family while loving, laughing, living in harmony, as well as developing people in spiritual maturity through Bible studies, seminars and retreats. With God’s guidance we will equip every believer for a significant ministry by helping each one discover the gifts and talents God has given to him/her. 

The Mission of the African Methodist Episcopal Church

The mission of the African Methodist Episcopal Church is to minister to the spiritual, intellectual, physical and emotional, and environmental needs of all people by spreading Christ’s liberating gospel through word and deed.  At every level of the Connection and in every local church, the African Methodist Episcopal Church shall engage in carrying out the spirit of the original Free Africa Society, out of which the A. M. E. church evolved:  that is, to seek out and save the lost, and serve the needy.

The Mission of Bethel 

Our mission is to serve The Lord and mankind through evangelism, stewardship, mission and outreach while encouraging Christian love, knowledge and education.